In 2011, the 6 Wins for Social Equity Network developed a proposal for the Bay Area’s regional agencies to consider as they planned for decades of growth and development affecting the housing and transportation needs of millions of people and dozens of communities throughout the region. This proposal presented by 6 Wins came to be called the Equity, Environment & Jobs Scenario, or EEJ. When regional leaders developed Plan Bay Area, a massive, $300 billion dollar investment, we asked the Metropolitan Transportation Commission and the Association of Bay Area Governments to evaluate it for inclusion in the plan. They refused but after months of organizing and advocacy by 6 Wins members, they agreed to study EEJ in the environmental impact report for Plan Bay Area. Their analysis concluded that the EEJ was not only better for low-income communities of color but was “the environmentally superior alternative” and better for the region as a whole. Since that time, EEJ continues to be the basis for 6 Wins advocacy around regional housing and transportation planning.