In a major step towards greater educational equity, on July 1, 2013, California passed Local Control Funding Formula legislation creating a new education finance system, the LCFF. Public Advocates, along with our grassroots partners, played a major role in shaping the LCFF by bringing in community voices along with our partners. In 2014, regulations for implementation of the LCFF were enacted. Public Advocates helped shape the regulations to ensure the funding flows to high need students. LCFF directed some $9.5 billion per year to school districts serving some of California’s highest-need student groups: low-income, foster youth, and English language learner students. The new law also required a higher level of community engagement and input into district spending priorities and plans than anywhere in the county, addressing the full spectrum of community partner priorities and established a new multiple-measures accountability system. To this day, Public Advocates works alongside community partners to deliver on the promises of LCFF.