May 14, 2020

Statement by Public Advocates President and CEO Guillermo Mayer on Governor Newson’s May Revise:


“The Governor’s revised budget plan released today presents a bleak and sobering picture of the fiscal havoc caused by the coronavirus pandemic in California. Absent a new infusion of federal aid, massive unemployment will be exacerbated just as the precipitous drop in state revenues threatens the very social services and safety net programs that millions of Californians are now turning to for relief.

As Governor Newsom acknowledged, already hardest hit are California’s low-wage workers and communities of color, who make up a disproportionate share of COVID-19 cases and essential workers. In the Bay Area, for example, two-thirds of essential workers are people of color. These Californians will again be hit hardest by any cuts to health, education, housing and transportation services.

We appreciate the Governor’s good faith efforts to protect those already bearing the brunt of the crisis and we believe those protections can be strengthened. As lawmakers continue to engage in the arduous process of arriving at a new state budget, they should be guided by principles of equity while avoiding needlessly harmful cuts, minimizing the unavoidable ones, and delaying those that can wait.

If new federal recovery funds become available, California must direct these resources to meet basic needs while blunting the worst of cuts wherever possible.

Public Advocates stands ready to work with communities, advocates and elected officials through this crisis and to ensure that we care for our most vulnerable while rebuilding a just and sustainable economy in California.”

Isabel Alegria,, 510-541-5428


Public Advocates Inc. is a nonprofit law firm and advocacy organization that challenges the systemic causes of poverty and racial discrimination by strengthening community voices in public policy and achieving tangible legal victories advancing education, housing and transit equity. Learn more: 

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