September 2024—Managing Attorney Richard Marcantonio writes (with Alex Lantsberg, research and advocacy director for the SF Electrical Construction Industry) “Keeping Transit on Track: A Coalition of Labor and Community Members Rises to Ensure That Bay Area Transit Finally Gets the Stable, Steadfast Funding It Deserves“, a guest column for Organized Labor: The official publication of the San Francisco Building & Construction Trades Council.

Richard and Alex describe the coalition between transit riders, labor, and community members around a nine-county San Francisco Bay Area ballot measure in 2026 that would raise at least $1.5 billion a year to run transit and make roads safer.

“Labor standards are a linchpin of this coalition. Transit jobs must be good jobs. The workers who maintain and operate our transit systems, who build transit facilities, and who rely on transit systems understand that job quality and fair wages are crucial to keeping these systems resilient, fully staffed, and able to serve the public.”

Read the September issue of Organized Labor.

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