September 30, 2023
Press Contact: Sumeet Bal, Director of Communication, 917-647-1952, 


Governor Newsom Signs Homelessness Prevention Act Strengthening Eviction Protections and Enforcement

Sacramento (Calif.) — Governor Gavin Newsom signed the Homelessness Prevention Act (SB 567) today ensuring more Californians can thrive. Authored by Senator María Elena Durazo (D-Los Angeles) SB 567 responds to the lived experience millions of California’s renters face—evictions, displacement, and homelessness—by strengthening the historic California Tenant Protection Act of 2019 (AB 1482). 

Too many workers, families and seniors are struggling with housing insecurity. By closing exploitable loopholes in “just cause” evictions and providing enforcement mechanisms, the Homelessness Prevention Act provides a cost effective solution that prevents more Californians from being pushed onto the streets. As our state’s leadership looks for solutions to a growing homelessness crisis, SB 567 is a step in the right direction.  Now, if a landlord tries to evict a tenant in order to do renovations, the landlord must show permits and/or contracts to their renter or if a landlord wants to move-in a family member, that relative must remain in the unit for at least one year. In addition, the provisions of AB 1482 were only enforceable after a tenant was evicted, but now a renter or local government can enforce the law as soon as the landlord breaks it, making rights real for more Californians. 

“We applaud Governor Newsom for signing SB 567, the Homelessness Prevention Act, our champion, Senator Maria Elena Durazo who led this bill through the legislature with integrity and perseverance, and our co-sponsors who fought alongside us,” said Michelle Pariset, Director of Legislative Affairs at Public Advocates. “SB 567 strengthens the historic Tenant Protection Act of 2019 by closing loopholes in the law and providing additional enforcement mechanisms. Today is a victory for all Californians; through this law more of our neighbors will be able to stay in their homes!”

The Homelessness Prevention Act was co-sponsored by ACCE, California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation, Leadership Counsel for Justice and Accountability, PICO California, Public Advocates, and Western Center on Law and Poverty and joined by a steering committee including Housing Now!, Inner City Law Center, the Million Voters Project, PolicyLink, and Tenants Together. Over 250 diverse organizations supported the bill’s passage through the legislature, united in an effort to make housing affordable and disrupt the displacement crisis that is disproportionately impacting working class communities of color. 



Public Advocates Inc. is a more than 50 year old nonprofit law firm and advocacy organization that challenges the systemic causes of poverty and racial discrimination by strengthening community voices in public policy and achieving tangible legal victories advancing education, housing, transportation equity, and climate justice.


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