September 15, 2023 – The Associated Press’* California Legislature Reporter Trân Nguyen covers the legislative passage of the Homelessness Prevention Act, SB 567 (Durazo), which will protect our neighbors who rent from unjust evictions and enforce Governor Newsom’s historic 2019 policy, The Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482).

“What the bill would do is really restore the promise of the Tenant Protection Act by closing these loopholes and adding some critical enforcement mechanisms so tenants and local governments can hold bad actors accountable,” said Suzie Dershowitz, Met Equity Staff Attorney at Public Advocates.

Read more of California lawmakers approve bills including eviction protections

*This news article appeared both locally throughout California and across the country in outlets. Some of those include ABC News (national), KQED, CBS Bay Area, Toronto Star, US News and World Report, The Boston Globe, and KFF Health News.


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