September 30, 2023 – The Associated Press’* California Legislature Reporter Trân Nguyen covers Governor Newsom’s signing of the Homelessness Prevention Act, SB 567 (Durazo), which will protect our neighbors who rent from unjust evictions and enforce Governor Newsom’s historic 2019 policy, The Tenant Protection Act (AB 1482). Now, if a landlord tries to evict a tenant in order to do renovations, the landlord must show permits and/or contracts to their renter, and if a landlord wants to move-in a family member, that relative must remain in the unit for at least one year. In addition, SB 567 gives a renter or local government the ability to enforce the law as soon as the landlord breaks it, making rights real for more Californians.

“Today is a victory for all Californians,” said Michelle Pariset, director of legislative affairs at Public Advocates, the group that sponsored the legislation. “Through this law more of our neighbors will be able to stay in their homes!”

Read the full AP story to learn about the Homelessness Prevention Act


*This news article appeared both locally throughout California and across the country in local and national outlets.
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