In Search of Equity for English Learners

A Review of the 2021-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plans

The Center for Equity for English Learners (CEEL) at Loyola Marymount University and Californians Together, two of Public Advocates’ partners on the LCFF Equity Coalition, released a report today entitled “In Search of Equity for English Learners: A Review of the 2021-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plans.” A panel of 46 reviewers, including Public Advocates, representing California educators, researchers and advocates convened in October 2021 to analyze the LCAPs from 26 districts with high numbers (greater than 999) or high percentages (greater than 40%) of English learners. Our goal was to assess the degree to which these districts considered the needs of diverse English learners in their LCAPs.

As reviewers, we hoped that our analysis of these 26 school districts’ LCAPs would reveal a renewed focus on English learners as a group of students that has historically been underserved. Unfortunately, the findings showed that school districts have come up short in their support for the needs of English learners, failing to consistently (1) differentiate programs, actions and services for different English learner populations, such as newcomer students; (2) provide robust professional development for educators; and (3) center family engagement in a way that empowered families to lead and monitor LCAP development and implementation.

The report details its findings and offers a series of recommendations for the State, County Offices of Education and Local Education Agencies to sharpen their focus on equity and opportunity for English learners to meet their academic and language needs.

Read the report: In Search of Equity for English Learners: A Review of the 2021-2024 Local Control and Accountability Plans

Public Advocates offers our thanks to CEEL and Californians Together for the opportunity to participate in the review of district LCAPs and our appreciation for this important report and call to action.

Please stay tuned for Public Advocates’ Multilingual Learner Resource Guide, which will be published this Fall. This guide describes the rights of multilingual learners, or English learners, and their families to safe and academically and linguistically rich learning environments; highlights school districts’ responsibilities toward multilingual learners; and offers practical tips for families, educators, organizers and advocates to protect and uplift them so they can thrive in school and beyond.

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