Investment Without Displacement
Protecting low-income communities and tenants from displacement and gentrification.
Earlier Campaigns
Statewide Investment Without Displacement
Throughout California, local organizations and coalitions are fighting for Investment Without Displacement rather than gentrification and displacement. Public Advocates co-convenes a network of local and state-level organizations working to develop a shared analysis of the problem and shared solutions. Our goal is to knit together local organizing and campaign work across many geographies to build power and tackle both local and state policies. These policies are encouraging profit-driven development in some low-income communities of color (especially near transit) and failing to protect these communities from displacement. We seek instead a vision of investment that meets the needs of existing residents and allows them to remain in place as their neighborhoods become more desirable and expensive.
Oakland Renter Protection Act
We are a member of the Protect Oakland Renters coalition that has proposed a local ballot measure for November to strengthen tenant protections in Oakland. Learn more about the ballot measure here and about our Oakland housing justice work.
San Mateo County Anti-Displacement Coalition
In the heart of the Silicon Valley economy, lower income renters in San Mateo County are facing intense displacement pressures, including mass evictions, staggering rent increases, and record housing prices. We are partnering with Faith in Action, Urban Habitat, the Community Legal Services of East Palo Alto, and others to advocate for tenant protections and other anti-displacement measures.