AB 1482 was signed by Governor Newsom on October 8, 2019! For the first time, California has passed a law that provides renters statewide with protections against rent-gouging and unfair evictions.
It is estimated that these protections will cover more than 8 million renters in California.
AB 1482 will stop rent gouging and prevent landlords from raising rents more than 5% plus the CPI increase annually. It also prevents landlords from arbitrarily evicting renters. They must now have a documented “just-cause” to evict a tenant.
Apartments built in the last 15 years would be exempt from this law. So would single-family home rentals unless they’re owned by corporations or other Wall Street landlords like Invitation Homes, which has about 12,000 single-family home rentals in the state.
Public Advocates was proud to co-sponsor this bill with ACCE, PICO California, PolicyLink, SEIU CA, the Western Center on Law and Poverty and the Tech Equity Collaborative. We are grateful to the bill author, Assemblymember David Chiu, for introducing the bill and working hard to secure the votes. We thank Governor Newsom, Assemblymembers Rob Bonta, Buffy Wicks, Tim Grayson and Richard Bloom for their leadership and for taking this big step towards solving California’s housing crisis.
- Implementation Website with eligibility navigator and rent increase calculator
- Info Flyers in English and Spanish
- Toolkit from Tenants Together including info on bill and sample template letters tenants can use to send to landlords in case of unlawful rent increase or unjust eviction
- Resource Directory from Tenants Together to find local legal agencies that could help with tenant-landlord issues
- Renters’ Rights Under the Tenant Protection Act (2024), which includes changes to the law made through SB 567. These changes take place on April 1, 2024. (in Armenian/հայերեն, in Chinese/中國語, in English, in Korean/한국어, in Spanish/En Español, in Tagalog, in Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt)
“Renters don’t have the luxury of waiting years for market rate housing to trickle down. 2019 is the year California steps up and protects tenants.”