A Fair Share?

November 12, 2013 By Richard Marcantonio  Civil rights and environmental justice laws ensure that low-income communities and minority populations share fairly in the benefits of public policy and [...]

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A Tale of Two Bay Areas

October 28, 2013 By Sam Tepperman-Gelfant Skyrocketing rents in core Bay Area neighborhoods are once again forcing long-time residents from their homes. This displacement not only uproots [...]

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Watchdogging the Watchdog

August 9, 2013 By Sam Tepperman-Gelfant This week, the Pacific Legal Foundation (PLF) — a self-appointed “watchdog organization that litigates for limited government” — sued to block Plan Bay [...]

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The Untold Story Behind the BART Strike

July 11, 2013 By Richard Marcantonio  Judging by the avalanche of news reports and tweets about the BART strike last week, you might think that transportation woes only affect commuters trying to [...]

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LCFF: An Historic Day!

June 14, 2013 By John Affeldt The Legislature has passed the budget and the trailer bill encompassing the LCFF funding reform proposal. It only awaits the governor’s inevitable signature to [...]

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