Public Advocates proposed a new chapter on “Civil Rights and Environmental Justice in Regional Transportation Planning” for California’s RTP Guidelines. The proposed new chapter includes federal and state legal requirements, as well as best practices, for ensuring the low-income communities and communities of color receive a fair share of the benefits of billions of dollars in regional investment.

Civil Rights and EJ Chapter for Guidelines rev 7-21-16


There is a broad constituency of organizations in California that supports inclusive, transparent, and accountable regional planning. Public Advocates’ and our allies support is based on our experience that good regional planning is crucial to the health and well-being of all the residents of our regions, including the most disadvantaged residents and neighborhoods, and to the protection of our environment and the strength of our economy.

We have engaged in the process the California Transportation Commission launched to update guidelines for the drafting of Regional Transportation Plans (RTPs).

Principles to Guide the Update of the RTP Guidelines 7-17-16

RTP Guidelines Stakeholder Group Comment Letter 6-29-16

With our partners, Public Advocates submitted an assessment of the guidelines update process to the California Transportation Commission. Click here to view our assessment.

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